Thursday, December 08, 2005

Roll My R

I think I'm making real progress with my Latino outreach thing. How do I know this? Because I have been given...hold on tight, hold on tight...a nickname. Or maybe it's not, really. I'm not sure. You tell me: I am now called "Vero." And you have to roll the 'r' like really, really hard.

That's all.


Shuboy said...
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Anonymous said...

hmmm... is the "v" pronounced like a "b"??? Is the roll on the "r" so hard it sounds like a "d"????'
Is it like, "Bay-do"???!!

ver said...

No...the "v" is a "v", except more pronounced, and the "r" is not rolled into "d" territory (though now that I think about it, sort of approaches it).

Vero pxerrx!

Anonymous said...

so it's not like "Terry" turning into "Teddy"??? bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!