Wednesday, January 26, 2005

"Mindblowing Decisions...

...cause head-on collisions." Remember that Heatwave (wow—check that jumpsuit action!) song? I mention it because in the process of filling out Risa and Vida's kindergarten registration papers, I was stopped short by the following question:

Ethnicity? (please circle one): Vietnamese, Hawaiian, Filipino, Amer. Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Indian, Guamanian, Hispanic or Latino, Chinese, Laotian, Samoan, African-American, Japanese, Cambodian, Tahitian, Korea, Other Asian, Other Pacific Islander, White.

Circle one? How, exactly, am I supposed to do that? More to the point, why should I have to? And here's possibly the most annoying part: if I do not care to identify my child's racial/ethnic group, The District is required to make the designation for me. What's a mom to do?

Now's not the time to be shy, my people. Speak your mind.

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