Friday, December 10, 2004


It's been a tricky week. The spousal unit has been in NYC for most of it, and I am running on minimal, restless sleep. Lea, you see, has made the momentous decision to return to babyhood and has assumed the corresponding nocturnal patterns.

The older girls know I am sleep-deprived, and yesterday Vida suggested I take a nap. She insisted she could coerce the others into keeping the non-stop din at a minimum. It was sweet, but I had to refuse. She said, "Okay, Mom, but remember: it's your decision, your body, your power."

I'm fairly certain that is not the standard message in a typical Dragon Tales episode. Which leads me to believe that I have been uttering some, um, interesting things as I grope semi-consciously through my days.

I meet with my writer's group on Monday. Let's just hope I'm coherent by then...

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