Monday, December 27, 2004

Just Back...

...from Fresno, where we spent the holiday with my in-laws, including my sis-in-law, her husband, and their three lovely daughters (ages 17-26). They are staunch supporters of the right to play boardgames, and I am often swept into the pleasant insanity. I will not play Clue with these crazy people, though; that just gets ugly.

So this time around, we played a game called Imaginiff, which requires players--more or less--to think in terms of simile and metaphor. This is perhaps an overly romantic description. Let me get specific. At one point, everyone had to vote on the following question: If Veronica (that would be me) were a dog, what kind of dog would she be? My three nieces-in-law voted across the board for "golden retriever," with one of them citing the fact that golden retrievers have "good hair." I was perplexed, but strangely grateful. "Oh, thanks!" said I.

But my sister-in-law! My sister-in-law voted for "poodle." Of course she attempted to disarm me with some sort of nonsense about poodles being well-coiffed. I countered with, "But poodles are high-strung and jittery!"

And then, well, hmmm...I sorta got her point.

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