Thursday, September 23, 2004

Accidentally Fabulous

It happened because of the garlic fries. The Trader Joe's garlic fries which, by the way, are especially good if you ignore the official cooking time and let them get super-crispy.

This afternoon I opened the oven door to retrieve said fries and was blasted in the face with 425º heat. I turned my rosy little cheeks away, but felt something odd happening to my eyes. At first, I thought it was my contact lenses drying out in reaction to the heat, but by tuning in a little more to my body I realized it was my eyelashes. Something had happened to my eyelashes. Singed? About to fall off? I suppose part of me wasn't that interested in finding out because instead of trotting to a mirror, I continued prepping the girls' lunch, right down to hulling the strawberries and making the chocolate milk.

I settled them at the table and headed to the bathroom to check on the damage. Along the way I wondered 1) how long will it take to re-grow a full fringe of lashes? 2) why was I so distracted that I put my face right smack in front of the oven when I leaned over? 3) what sort of environmental minutiae would assault my eyes now that they were not protected by lashes? and 4) is there any culture in the world that values eyelashless eyes?

I looked in the mirror. My eyelashes were, lovely. The intense temperature must have reactivated the quick coat of mascara I'd given them this morning. And the fact that the heat blew at me curled them in a way unrivaled by any eyelash curler--even that fancy one from Japan.

Rest assured I will not be repeating this dangerous little beauty trick again. For now, though, you can sign me...

Accidentally Fabulous

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