Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I Am Funny. Yes I Am.

At the end of every preschool day, my twins and their mop-headed co-horts sit in a circle and sing a bunch of songs. Harmless little ditties about dinosaurs or three-cornered hats; baseball and spaghetti; cookies, elephants, the moon. During one particular song the kids are called on to compose little rhymes like, 'Have you ever seen a cake/inside a lake?' or 'Have you ever seen Teacher Jon/mowing the lawn?' They are unfailingly eager to do this, all of them shoving their little hands into the air just begging to be called on. My favorites are always the ones who wave their hand like crazy and then, when called upon, immediately forget what they were going to say.

Risa and Vida like to practice for this song. They invent their rhymes, offer each other constructive criticism, and dissolve into hysterics when they think of something they deem particularly good, something like, 'Have you ever seen a monkey/being super duper funky?' Today I called from the kitchen, 'have you ever seen a frog/sitting on a log?' and was met with a silence that is fast becoming the norm around here.

"Did you hear me?" I said.

"Yes, we heard you!"


Vida walked into the kitchen to deliver the bad news. "Well, Mom, frogs do sit on logs. So that isn't really that funny."

That's the kind of day I had. Somebody help.

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